
Curriculum Areas

The teaching and learning program at St Albert’s aims
to provide a broad and relevant education that is appropriate
to the learning needs of each student along a continuum of learning.


Our staff use a wide range of strategies to ensure your child reaches their potential in their reading, viewing, writing, speaking and listening skills. Each class completes a two hour literacy block each morning. We aim to implement a Literacy curriculum that is creative, holistic, contemporary, integrated and supportive of learning.

Our Leader of Learning supports the Literacy program in the school and along with implementation of the Early Years Assessment and National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests.  


From the earliest years, learning Mathematics is an active and engaging process for your child. At St Albert's we aim to develop knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical concepts, by encouraging students to discuss alternative solutions, explain and apply their thinking skills. For students to achieve this goal, we place greater emphasis on providing students with frequent exposure to higher-level mathematical investigations, rather than routine procedural tasks, by using relevant teaching and learning processes.

Our students are well supported with a wide range of equipment and materials to construct their own knowledge and make mathematical decisions about their learning.

What do we want a numeracy learner to look like when leaving St Albert’s?

  • Enquiring
  • Confident
  • Problem Solver
  • Estimator
  • Can use maths in real life
  • Have a good knowledge of basic number skills
  • A risk taker
  • Engaged in and excited about numeracy

The staff and students at St Albert’s have a true desire to enjoy and celebrate success in the area of mathematics.

Science & STEM

As educators of your child we believe that Science and STEM is a process of discovery as well as the gaining of knowledge about the physical and biological world. We acknowledge students’ innate curiosity about their world and we support and extend this through an activity-based curriculum. Direct experiences, research and scientific investigations will further challenge student’s scientific discoveries and understandings.

Religious Education

Our Religious Education program promotes the spiritual and moral development of students within the context of a Catholic Christian tradition. Students are encouraged to see themselves as people created by a loving God and to respond to that love according to their age and stage of development. Our students learn about the Catholic Christian Story through Scripture, the experience of sacraments, liturgy, tradition and the lives of the people and world around us.

Students have the opportunity to engage in religious practice through their participation in: classroom prayer, reflection, whole school and small group liturgical celebrations. We also support a range of social justice programs such as Project Compassion, Catholic Charities and Loxcare.

Information Communication Technologies

We are committed to the integration of ICT in all curriculum areas, leading students to be confident, creative and productive users of technologies.

We are very proud of our computing facilities. Each student in Years 4-6 has their own laptop computer. Technology is seen as a means to enhance the education experience at St Albert’s, not replace it.

Students in Years R-3 have access to iPads and desktop computers in their classrooms. In addition, there is a computer suite available to all students. These high-end computers are also used to teach coding and robotics as part of the Australian Curriculum.

Use of computer technology programs such as PowerPoint, Excel and Microsoft Word as well as specialised programs for specific subject areas are used extensively throughout the curriculum in all year levels. Responsible use of the Internet as a research tool and staying safe online is also taught.

Design and Technology

Our well equipped Technology Room enables staff to plan and implement learning tasks and activities for your child to learn by exploring, and problem solving. Many of the Design and Technology tasks that staff set are integrated into other learning areas throughout the curriculum.

Health and Physical Education

Students participate in a Health and Physical Education lesson, which is conducted by a specialist Physical Education teacher twice a week. Students also participate in daily physical activities with their class teacher. There is a strong emphasis on skill acquisition, game sense, fitness, a healthy lifestyle, personal development and group skills.

From time to time skilled instructors visit the school to work with the students and teachers, providing students with the opportunity of experiencing a wide variety of sports.

The Arts

Many experiences are offered though our Arts program. Students regularly get the opportunity to perform at school assemblies helping them to build confidence and to showcase the music, drama and art pieces which they create and practise as part of their regular classroom activities.

Throughout your child’s time at St Albert’s they will have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities such as Choir, Nativity Plays, Passion Play, Riverland Music Festival, Carols by Candlelight, Family Masses, Catholic Schools Music Festival, Loxton Lights Up and the Annual School Concert.

A number of private music teachers also offer instrumental lessons, such as piano, guitar and drums, as well as specialist band tuition during and after school hours.

We have several school bands which play at church, assemblies and in the wider community


We are proud to offer a music enrichment program that encompasses performing, creating and responding to music. Singing, playing instruments, moving to music and creating music enables our students to acquire musical skills and knowledge that can be developed in no other way. Students learn to read and notate music and come to appreciate the many styles and forms from both Australia and other cultures. As they further develop their skills they learn composing, improvising and playing instruments together as an ensemble.

To complement our classroom music program we also have a senior choir which takes part in the Riverland Primary School's Music Festival as well as Carols by Candlelight.


Language Other Than English (LOTE)

German is taught to all students from Reception to Year 6. Emphasis is placed on conversational language and care is taken to incorporate social, cultural and historical aspects of the language. A specialist teacher is employed to teach the LOTE curriculum.

Students have the opportunity to continue learning German when they move to Loxton High School.


13 Geraldton Street , PO Box 570
Loxton South Australia 5333
T: (08) 8584 5110    F: (08) 8584 5133